The Hays Cheer Booster Club is dedicated to supporting the cheerleaders, managers, mascots, roustabouts, and coaches of Jack C. Hays High School Cheer. Our booster club exists to support, uplift, and encourage our whole team to excellence both on and off the mat.
Each year our amazing Hays Cheer Booster Club Board helps promote and serve the Hays Cheer Program along with the help of all our incredible volunteers, parents, and Booster Members. This year has been no exception, and we're looking for some more dedicated, service-oriented cheer parents to continue this successful tradition!
The requirements to be eligible for a board position are as follows:
Had to have been a paying Booster Club member prior to the current election
For President, you have to been a prior Board Member for at least 1 year
Booster Club Board Positions/Duties:
PRESIDENT: The President will preside at all general membership and board meetings and will perform all other duties that pertain to such an office. This includes ensuring compliance with Hays CISD Booster Club Guidelines and providing the assistant principal with a list of proposed fundraisers/activities for the year. The President will also be a signor on the bank account. Current President: Cherie Cavazos
VICE PRESIDENT 1: The Vice President 1 will perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or disability and will assist the President as needed. VP 1 is in charge of the End of Year Banquet and designating a committee if needed. VP 1 is also in charge of community outreach events and committees. Current VP1: Denise Guerrero
VICE PRESIDENT 2: The Vice President 2 will perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or disability if VP 1 is not available and will assist the President as needed. Vice President 2 will oversee all fundraising efforts, oversee the Merchandise, and help coordinate with the coaches for the Mini Hawk Clinic. Current VP2: Roxanne Castillo
TREASURER: The Treasurer will keep the financial records of the organization and submit a monthly financial report to the membership. By the end of July each year, the Treasurer must submit a copy of the most recent HHBC roster of officers, annual financial statements and IRS filing to the Hays Cheer Coach and Faculty Sponsor. The treasurer will also be a signor on the bank account. Current Treasurer: Stephanie Swan
TREASURER-ELECT: The Treasurer-Elect will shadow the Treasurer to learn 501c3 Accounting and record keeping of merchandise, Venmo and all booster funds. This position will be eligible for the Treasurer Position. Current Treasurer-Elect: Janet Lopez
SECRETARY: The Secretary will keep minutes of all board and general membership meetings. The Secretary will report the minutes of the general membership meetings, handle all correspondence of the organization and oversee the memberships of the booster club. Current Secretary: Beate Wiitch
SPIRIT COMMITTEE CHAIR PERSON: The Spirit Committee chairperson will attend all board meetings, help with all input of team activities, and be the person in charge of the “all things spirit” (decorating, gift bags, etc). This person will not have a vote in the board space, but will have the ability to have a voice in the decision making for the Booster Club. Current Spirit Committee Chair: Valerie Garrett JV PARENT REPRESENTATIVE & LIAISON: The JV Parent Liaison will be on the board and will help with communication between JV team/parents to the board. This position will not have a vote in the board space, but will have the ability to have a voice in decision making for the Booster Club. This position does not require prior Booster Club involvement.